Friday, September 22, 2006

Last Press. This will probably be the last Taghkanic Press you will see in the store in Taghkanic. The reason for this that I find that parents have been sending there children into the stores to steal the papers and when they don't have the children doing it they themselves do. So to all you new comers I say welcome and understand that this is the type of trash that you now have to live with. It's the same type of low humanity that wants it their way or the highway, the same type of trash that wants you stay in the dark and not know, or care, what is really going on, it's a kin to that type scum that would march poor people of to slave labor or just gas'em. Yes you surly can't judge a book by its cover and you shouldn't judge Taghkanic by its esthetics. New comers and old residents alike need more then ever to take an active roll in local government. You need to start petitioning the Board for the removal of people like Hermance, Rochler, Challahan and anyone else that Young has appointed. You need to keep a close eye on Cindy Hilscher and her councilman husban Bill that they don't change the town from Youngsville to Hilscherville, hell we already know that Cindy Hilscher can 't be trusted to tell the truth. Looking at what's coming out of this racetrack caper you would have to ask yourself was Richard Graham and Taghkanic Press right about Hermance, Rochler and Callahan? Is he right about Young? I leave my loyal readers with this. I will still post from time to time on the blog and in the google new group so that maybe I can save a child in Taghkanic from going to jail later in life because he learn from his parents how to steal of course there is no guarantee that this type Taghkanic zygote won't become a state trooper or a sheriffs deputy. Liars and thieves with clean records are just what State and County are looking for to become Cops.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Young Loves the races. No doubt Supervisor Young just loves this controversy over this racetrack . Hell! She has probable as fallen in love with Wilzig. With all the hoop-la swirling around wilzig's racetrack people will forget how she and the assessor Art Griffith were caught cheating on her assessments and hiding land from the tax roll. Who is going to pay that money back? That's what I want know. The sham about this whole thing is that Taghkanic sleeps while Young pick your pockets. Do you people have any idea what Betty Young as spent in attorneys fees in her private war against Richard Graham, its staggering! And its your money she spending not hers. Wake up folks don't let this lame duck run the town into the ground or we may have to rely on Mr. Wilzig for some revenue from his racetrack.
Racetrack Caper I wanted to take this time to comment on the notorious, racetrack caperin Taghkanic. I could not help but to break out into laughter when I read Wilzig quote inthe paper stating that Barber Hermance, his broker, and the Taghkanic Chairof the ZBA told him a racetrack of any kind was not permitted. Does Mr.Wilzig really think that we're all just asleep at the wheel?Sure I believe that Hermance told Wilzig that a racetrack is prohibited. But I also believe as may other do that Hermance told Wilzig that there wasnothing to stop him from extending his driveway, or putting in a trail forpersonal use through his property. Oh yes Mr. Wilzig, there is no don't in my mind that a public official with such a reputation for using her position to aid her customers and decive the public would help you find the "loop-holes" as there called, a specially for the big-buck customers. Personally, I don't care about your track or what you do to destroy the characteristics of Taghkanic, but I do care that your playing the political card game now and that effects me in my backyard. I personally think that Mr. Wilzig statements were aimed at pulling Barbara Hermance's fat out of the fire and with Robert Rochler, Hermance's buddy, now chairing the Board, Wilzig wants to appears as what they call in some circles a "Stand-up Guy." Give it Break Wilzig! There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Wilzig will get his racetrack, it will just be at the cost of the taxpayers AGAIN. And for those of you like Sam Pratt who may think that Code Enforcement officer, Dennis Callahan is doing a bang-up job. Lets remember how long it took him and how much arm twisting went on before he issued the 'order to remedy'. Oh yes Mr. Pratt, take a good look at how Callahan handle the illegal pond in the "Save the Church caper". And Hermance was involved there too. I believe Callahan and Hermance were helping Wilzig every inch of the way and every Board member knew what was up or at lest suspected. Wake people and ask yourselves, how could a project this big, and so out-in-the-open, go on for so long ( almost to the point of completion) without as much as peep from our Supervisor. Say! who nows Maybe Mr. Wilzig can put Rochler in his pocket along with Hermance after all Rochler is a NYS state Cop too. Richard C. Graham

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