Thursday, September 21, 2006
Young Loves the races.
No doubt Supervisor Young just loves this controversy over this racetrack . Hell! She has probable as fallen in love with Wilzig. With all the hoop-la swirling around wilzig's racetrack people will forget how she and the assessor Art Griffith were caught cheating on her assessments and hiding land from the tax roll.
Who is going to pay that money back? That's what I want know. The sham about this whole thing is that Taghkanic sleeps while Young pick your pockets. Do you people have any idea what Betty Young as spent in attorneys fees in her private war against Richard Graham, its staggering! And its your money she spending not hers. Wake up folks don't let this lame duck run the town into the ground or we may have to rely on Mr. Wilzig for some revenue from his racetrack.