Friday, May 26, 2006

Thank a Veteran Soldier. When you pick up the local paper and read that a corrupt government official is going to jail or as been removed from office, Thank a Vet. When you go to your Town hall and speak out against or for an issue. Thank a Vet. When you take up your Firearms and go hunting or target shooting, Thank a Vet. If you are ever charged with a crime, remember you are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to be represented by counsel, for this you should thank a Vet. When you go to the polls and vote, Thank a Vet. Whenever you pick up a copy of the constitution and read it remember, it is there and in place because our soldiers, who take an oath, to protect us from enemies outside and within these United States Of America are ready to fight and die to preserver our way of life. Thank a Vet.
Watch Supervisor Young with one eye and your pocket with the other. Will Supervisor Young have to pay back the taxes she owes the town, county and school district for the five acre's of property she was hiding under the Ag. exemption law. Rumors and whispers are now filtering out of 401 State Street, home of the Board of Supervisor, that Young is trying to use her political clout with the County Clerk, Holly Tanner. Rumor as it that Young actually called into the Real Property Dept. To have adjustments made to cover up her subdivision map that shows the five acre parcel and or to have Ag. applications adjusted. Although this information comes to me from reliable sources it could not be confirmed without giving up a source of information deep in the Republican party. This is the time for all residents to start watching Young and her moves in the County Real Property office. Will the Republicans circle the wagons to protect Youngs right to cheat on her taxes? Will they run to aid of Art Griffith, Taghkanic assessor who as been aiding Young in her scam since 1988 ? Will just have to waite and see if the records gets adjusted without proper procedure. For now residents should call the NYS comptrollers office at 518-438-0093 and ask "where is our tax money from Youngs subdivision".

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The minutes will become history, Don't let it be false. I must say I was elated to read in the that the new Town Board in Taghkanic is finally putting a stop to the censorship of the Board minutes. As the former Deputy town clerk I can testify to the fact that the minutes of the meetings are cleansed to the Supervisors approval and to what is considered "press acceptable". I have witness first hand a councilmen statement being omitted from the minutes because it questioned the deterioration of the Town Hall. But Young is not alone with this hiding of the truth. Almost every Republican Supervisor does the same thing. The objective is to keep controversy out of the public view, it simple, keep the public in the dark and look good. Another way to do discourage public involvement is to not release the minutes for thirty or sixty days, by the end of that time period people who have raised controversial issues with the Supervisor will have become disgusted and give up. Some news agency should be condemned here as well, many times I have not seen reporters at the meeting because they are relying on the Town to fax them the "Approved Minutes". Of course when the press does try to print what the business was at the meeting the Republican attorney is hot on the phone to the editors to them tell them what their printing is not official. Why is Young and her Republican party so afraid of controversy? Why would the Town Clerk, Rogers, who is a Democrat, help Young censor public comment that should be made part of the record but in fact are omitted? Could it be this is the way Supervisor Young and other Republican Supervisor lay claim to fame? Could it be Rogers doesn't want to bit the hand that feeds her. The time as come for all of us, as residents, to support the Boards efforts to print uncensored minutes on the internet and to include statements made by concerned citizen to the board, corrections and omissions could still be made at the next meeting after an open discussion.. We can no longer afford this sneaking around corners and hiding under rocks that Young and Rogers do so well. Taghkanic needs open government to ensure a free flowing democracy and the only way we can do this is to set the record straight and stop the censorship of the minutes. The whole Town should get behind Councilwomen Edwards and give her your support to have these minutes released within the proper legal time frame and uncensored. As I stated before I was the former Deputy Town Clerk and I can assured all of you that the "Approved Minutes" only contains what the Supervisor wants the public to read and if you attend meetings you would know this to so. Make public comment on town issues part of the minutes and part of record. We can not afford to distort history by making a crook and a liar like Supervisor Young look good in the historical record. Richard C Graham, 1879 county route 10,Taghkanic NY 12502

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