Thursday, April 27, 2006

Who is Columbia Press..? Who is this Streetwalker claiming to have performed miracle's? She states that when she viewed a document posted in a private blog on the 17th of April and then spent the next three days running too and fro to confirm information. The nasty little fact of the matter is, the Blog which was privately posted by Rick Graham's Taghkanic Press on the 17th was not published for public viewing until the 21st of April, a Friday, timing is everything my dear. So either Ms. Streetwalker from Columbia Press is a computer thief, hacking peoples computers, or she is just like Betty Young and Company. I would like to know how does one run to the Town and County offices on a Saturday and then have all this assessment information confirmed and VERIFIED, write a 4 page scandal and have it out in the public by Sunday afternoon. Now that's what I call a miracle. The date on the top of Columbia Press does read April 22, if my eyes don't fail me. So you see Ms. Streetwalker how easy it is to catch someone in the Young nest lying. You know Ms. Streetwalker "Birds of a feather, flock together" Now I want you to go home and look at yourself in the mirror and apologize for degrading yourself, I'm sure it will be hard but you need to do it. You should also explain to the public that you are not really afraid that Richard Graham is going to quote " get you".. Boo! The fact is that you know, if he finds out who you are his attorney will have you in court so fast it will make your head spin around and you won't be able to stand up in court and prove half of what you said about Mr. Graham. I would go as far as to say the Republican Party is up to their old tricks.. Ouch! Did I use the word tricks? I am sorry Ms. Streetwalker, I didn't mean to offend. LOL. I am very surprised that the Young Gang would give you a Green Light to print such stuff. She knows that I could, if I wanted too, bring to light incidents involving Rocklers love affairs, and jump into Callahan's divorce, but it would evolved innocent people and it just doesn't help the taxpayer to go there. In basic, no one gives a rats rectum about Graham's divorce or what his x-spouse and the former town clerk had to say or what some streetwalker from Columbia Press as to say. The people want to know why their assessments are so much higher then Youngs and Rochler's. They want to know where is the money that as been stolen from us over the years, why do some pay their tickets and other's don't, why do some people get overnight approvals from zoning and planning boards and other's don't, why do elected and appointed public servants get special treatment and assessments. This is what the people want to know about. I will close with asking supporter's of Taghkanic Press not to show any ill feeling toward Ms. Streetwalker from the Republican Party or Columbia Press. Those of you who are of a religious nature please say a pray for her and those of you who are not please try to get her the help she needs, but by all means, get her off the street. Signed. Respectfully, the very scary-scary guy Richard Graham. published 4-28-06

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Taghkanic Tax Payers Taken for Suckers. Never give a sucker an even break! Or a chump a chance! The tax payers in Taghkanic have just be taken to the cleaners again by the Zoining Board of Taghkanic and of course there is Robert Fitzsimmions from Connor,Curran & Schram raking it in. After a year long procedure for an interpretation on the Zoining Regulations from the Zoining Board of Taghkanic, the Board finally made its decision. In an attempt to try and prevent Richard Graham from obtaining a Federal firearms license (FFL) It took all the brains sitting on the Board a year to pick up a dictionary and look up the word Retail..Duh. It was decided that if guns were sold from the business it would become a retail store but if guns are not sold through the business it is not. So now the gun are sold privately, don't you just love it? In the Boards year long quest for revenge for Rochler, Hermance, and Young they spent thousands of taxpayer dollars and then laughed about it. What's even funnier is that K&G Guns and guide service is still open for business, that's the slap in the face to the tax payer. All of that money spent out of your pockets to have a dictionary opened and read in the public? Now is it any wonder that your assessments and taxes are so high. Just think of it folks, it took a years worth of attorneys fees to do this because Supervisor Young can't find people with the intelligence to read and understand our towns zoning regulation. The towns taxpayers actually had to pay an attorney to instruct the board to look up the word 'Retail' in a dictionary. Wow!! What should worry the taxpayer more, is that these same people, who take a year to look up a word in a dictionary, are now in the beginning stages of changing our zoning and planning regulations. Now what is that going to cost us? We have to ask ourselves the hard question here. Can we really trust people who take a year to look up one word in the dictionary with the re-zoning our town? Can we trust this demented gene pool that runs the town to change the planning regulations? I think not. Yes we all have been taken for suckers again in the Towns private quest for a useless revenge. So dig deep people and pay up, some Attorney at Connor,Curran and Shram need a new pair of shoes. published, 4-28-06

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