Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Love those Connecticut Democrat's . Wake up Taghkanic and take a lesson from the Democrat's in Connecticut. They didn't fool around with Joe Lieberman who was sucking up to the Bush administration, they canned him and that's what Taghkanic needs to do with to their Democratic committee people Cindy Hilscher and Cheryl Rogers. Lets face it folks you cant have Cindy Hilscher posing as a democrat with her husband sitting as a Republican Councilmen, working in the Republican controlled sheriff's office. Anyone that has lived here in Columbia County for any length of time, and as bothered to pay attention to the politics, knows that if Cindy Hilscher pushes to hard her husban the councilman will be looking for a job. Bill Hilshier who works as a corrections officer at the Columbia County Sheriff's office knows he as to tow the Betty Young Line. Do the democrat's really want someone like Cindy Hilscher who lies to police about physical assaults on residents in order to secure a few cheap votes? I think not. Or was there more to her lying. Maybe she did it for husband, the Councilman who seems to enjoy poking fun at people with physical disabilities. Do you want someone like Cheryl Roger, who in the last twenty years could not find a candidate to run against her friend, neighbor and meal ticket Betty Young. Its time for the democrat's to clean house and force a primary. Its not a big deal. It only requires about thirteen signature and two real democrat's to force Hilshire and Rogers on to a ballot. Now lets look at some facts here, these two committee people could not move off their lazy adipose tissue long enough to go out and find a candidate...Just one candidate for this years election to present to the caucus. Instead were now in the dark waiting for them to cut a deal with the Republicans. We can't continue to have Republicans in disguise like Cindy Hirshire and Cheryl Roger controlling the destiny of Taghkanic democrat's. We can ill afford to allow this primadonna attitude of send us your resume. We need committee people that will get on that phone and start calling Dem's and talking to them about running long before caucus time. We need people with backbone not backtalk and lies. Come on Dem's! Thirteen signatures to force them out. Keep that in mind for next year and check with your Election Board for dates details.
Start your engines.... Yes! I could not help but break out into laughter after reading John Mason coverage on the Taghkanic race track own by Mr. Wilzig, particularly the part that notes that the Zoning Board may not be able to raise a quorum because of a "real estate relationship" Does the name Barbra Hermance ring a bell with the local papers? If not let me enlighten you. She is the chairperson of the Zoning Board of appeals and the owner of Land Source Reality. Before I go on let me say I totally support what Mr. Wilzig want to do with his property. Personally I don't think he should incur the expense putting any special mufflers on his bikes to reduce sound or play suck-up to a bunch of neighbors that don't have the backbone to call for Hermance resignation. You have to hate the game, not the player. Seem this project has been going on for a year and our local politicians are just now getting involved or lest pretending to get involved. I can assure the public as a former public servant (official) that Supervisor Young probable knew exactly what was going on and likewise with Dennis Callahan the Zoning enforcement officer. There is no doubt in my mind that Barbara Hermance and Dennis Callahan were walking Wilzig through this project step-by-step while the good folks of Taghkanic set powerless. Well folks stop crying the blues and suck it up. A good play for Wizig right now would be to offer up some hunting or fishing to rights to some Zoning alternates and public officials like little Jimmy Romain and lets not forget that Robert Rochler, Betty Youngs son-in-law also sits on Zoning Board. My comment to Mr. Wilzig is, don't worry! Its in the bag, you made all the right moves. And to the residents of Taghkanic I say you deserve everything your going to get from this project for not getting involved when Hermance uses her authority to cause financial harm to applicants that she has an ax for and for letting her sit in conflict against applicant before the Zoning Board. Oh Yes you deserve everything this project brings to for not getting involved in your local caucuses and ridding yourself of the political scourge that is running your Town. I wasn't surprised to see Hermance flushed out of the pocket, nor should anyone else be surprised. Maybe now you'll pay attention when I speak to you of the inner workings of the Taghkanic government. This project may bring some jobs into the area, somthing Young as failed to do.

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