Friday, May 26, 2006

Thank a Veteran Soldier. When you pick up the local paper and read that a corrupt government official is going to jail or as been removed from office, Thank a Vet. When you go to your Town hall and speak out against or for an issue. Thank a Vet. When you take up your Firearms and go hunting or target shooting, Thank a Vet. If you are ever charged with a crime, remember you are innocent until proven guilty and you have the right to be represented by counsel, for this you should thank a Vet. When you go to the polls and vote, Thank a Vet. Whenever you pick up a copy of the constitution and read it remember, it is there and in place because our soldiers, who take an oath, to protect us from enemies outside and within these United States Of America are ready to fight and die to preserver our way of life. Thank a Vet.
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