Thursday, September 21, 2006

Racetrack Caper I wanted to take this time to comment on the notorious, racetrack caperin Taghkanic. I could not help but to break out into laughter when I read Wilzig quote inthe paper stating that Barber Hermance, his broker, and the Taghkanic Chairof the ZBA told him a racetrack of any kind was not permitted. Does Mr.Wilzig really think that we're all just asleep at the wheel?Sure I believe that Hermance told Wilzig that a racetrack is prohibited. But I also believe as may other do that Hermance told Wilzig that there wasnothing to stop him from extending his driveway, or putting in a trail forpersonal use through his property. Oh yes Mr. Wilzig, there is no don't in my mind that a public official with such a reputation for using her position to aid her customers and decive the public would help you find the "loop-holes" as there called, a specially for the big-buck customers. Personally, I don't care about your track or what you do to destroy the characteristics of Taghkanic, but I do care that your playing the political card game now and that effects me in my backyard. I personally think that Mr. Wilzig statements were aimed at pulling Barbara Hermance's fat out of the fire and with Robert Rochler, Hermance's buddy, now chairing the Board, Wilzig wants to appears as what they call in some circles a "Stand-up Guy." Give it Break Wilzig! There is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Wilzig will get his racetrack, it will just be at the cost of the taxpayers AGAIN. And for those of you like Sam Pratt who may think that Code Enforcement officer, Dennis Callahan is doing a bang-up job. Lets remember how long it took him and how much arm twisting went on before he issued the 'order to remedy'. Oh yes Mr. Pratt, take a good look at how Callahan handle the illegal pond in the "Save the Church caper". And Hermance was involved there too. I believe Callahan and Hermance were helping Wilzig every inch of the way and every Board member knew what was up or at lest suspected. Wake people and ask yourselves, how could a project this big, and so out-in-the-open, go on for so long ( almost to the point of completion) without as much as peep from our Supervisor. Say! who nows Maybe Mr. Wilzig can put Rochler in his pocket along with Hermance after all Rochler is a NYS state Cop too. Richard C. Graham
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