Friday, September 22, 2006
Last Press.
This will probably be the last Taghkanic Press you will see in the store in Taghkanic. The reason for this that I find that parents have been sending there children into the stores to steal the papers and when they don't have the children doing it they themselves do. So to all you new comers I say welcome and understand that this is the type of trash that you now have to live with. It's the same type of low humanity that wants it their way or the highway, the same type of trash that wants you stay in the dark and not know, or care, what is really going on, it's a kin to that type scum that would march poor people of to slave labor or just gas'em.
Yes you surly can't judge a book by its cover and you shouldn't judge Taghkanic by its esthetics.
New comers and old residents alike need more then ever to take an active roll in local government.
You need to start petitioning the Board for the removal of people like Hermance, Rochler, Challahan and anyone else that Young has appointed. You need to keep a close eye on Cindy Hilscher and her councilman husban Bill that they don't change the town from Youngsville to Hilscherville, hell we already know that Cindy Hilscher can 't be trusted to tell the truth.
Looking at what's coming out of this racetrack caper you would have to ask yourself was Richard Graham and Taghkanic Press right about Hermance, Rochler and Callahan? Is he right about Young? I leave my loyal readers with this. I will still post from time to time on the blog and in the google new group so that maybe I can save a child in Taghkanic from going to jail later in life because he learn from his parents how to steal of course there is no guarantee that this type Taghkanic zygote won't become a state trooper or a sheriffs deputy. Liars and thieves with clean records are just what State and County are looking for to become Cops.
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Wilzig here. I have not had anything to do with BH since she showed me some properties nearly 2 years ago. I asked her about a private track and she replied that a "commercial racetrack" is not permitted in taghkanic. I DID ask (she did NOT "offer" loopholes as you put it) about "a really cool , long driveway for personal use" or a "private practice track" "limits on paving , etc" . What she DID was shrug her shoulders and say " I don't really know what a hybrid driveway/track or personal use track IS , so i can't give you a definitive answer". "What I CAN SAY is that in this town - depending on atmospherics - you can sometimes hear a chainsaw startup on a Sunday morning in the distance". She subsequently wrote in a MUCH LATER email to a fellow ZBA member that "I told Wilzig no tracks of any kind never ever ever". That's really not exactly,precisely the case. I think she is a fine person (and REALLY smart) I would NEVER impugn her integrity...only her recollection. Mine is excellent and I do not "make up" chainsaw-sunday-morning anecdotes, ex-post-facto. I also did not appreciate it when YOU wrote: "with Wilzig,the people of Taghkanic will get what they deserve" or some such thing. What's that mean ? More peace and quiet than one person can stomach ? Come over and visit before making comments like that again. I love my neighbors - I would not do anything that would take away from their peace or sanity. ( really , come visit )They're also not idiots, have walked every INCH of my land and track, and as a result I have letters of support from 97% of my contiguous neighbors.
Hi there Wilzig, Graham here.
my apologizes for taken so long getting back too you.
As I stated in my article I really don't care that your putting in a race track. I do care that you do so according to the law of the town. As a matter fact I applaud you for doing it. Its quite obvious to me that a project of that magnitude will require that you employ a few people in the community to a full time status for caretaking and mantainence. This is something our Board doesn't care about. I'am sorry that you didn't care for my remarks, however the Boards have been corrupted for years under Betty Young's rule. You Alan have to ask yourself the same question I asked myself. "With the amount of construction that was going on, including a broken water main how could our elected and appointed official not know what was going on?" That includes Hermance. As you stated you did talk to her about a race track. This is a one-horse town Alan where gossip becomes truth and real truth, based on facts and evidence, is not allowed and even shuned by the local papers.
I wish you all the best on the pursuit of your project and if there is anything I can do to be of some assistance fell free to call on me.
my apologizes for taken so long getting back too you.
As I stated in my article I really don't care that your putting in a race track. I do care that you do so according to the law of the town. As a matter fact I applaud you for doing it. Its quite obvious to me that a project of that magnitude will require that you employ a few people in the community to a full time status for caretaking and mantainence. This is something our Board doesn't care about. I'am sorry that you didn't care for my remarks, however the Boards have been corrupted for years under Betty Young's rule. You Alan have to ask yourself the same question I asked myself. "With the amount of construction that was going on, including a broken water main how could our elected and appointed official not know what was going on?" That includes Hermance. As you stated you did talk to her about a race track. This is a one-horse town Alan where gossip becomes truth and real truth, based on facts and evidence, is not allowed and even shuned by the local papers.
I wish you all the best on the pursuit of your project and if there is anything I can do to be of some assistance fell free to call on me.
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