Thursday, June 29, 2006

Taghkanic, NY Joe"Crazy Joe" Romaine's assault on Resident declared Unfounded By the Republican's sheriff's office, Welcome to Terror Town USA. Was there any doubt in anyone's mind that the vicious and unprovoked attack, that left a resident and author of Taghkanic Press suffering in pain, would be covered up? Many long time residents who know "Crazy Joe" are left wondering about his statements to the Registered-Star stating, that he "Prays for Mr. Graham to find his way". Anyone knowing Romains reputation as a so-called sportsmen, also knows that the man is praying for Mr. Graham to find his way out in front of truck. Although the pain and suffering I experienced after the attack is slowly healing it was worth it to exposed the Taghkanic Planning Board for what they are, which is nothing more then a gang of small town punks. One can only wonder where did Crazy Joe learn how to sucker punch and who coached the Board members to lie about what happen. It should come as no surprise that when you have State cops, State prison guards, and Republicans on the Boards that these types of behaviors will surface. But there is something here that warrants further investigation by the good people of Taghkanic. We need to ask ourselves the question is "Crazy Joe" Romain receiving massages from God? Is it God and the Catholic church that tells Crazy Joe to strike out and silence the mad demons of Taghkanic Press? I guess if your catholic its OK to lie about your intent to cause harm and inflict fear, seems all "crazy Joe" has to do to is walk to the confessional and say "forgive me father for have sinned, I told a lie". He says a couple of our father's and a few hail mary's and presto a priest relieves him of sin and crime, but not of his insanity. Why should we as resident expect anything else. Our Supervisor, Betty Young is a documented liar under oath and a thief who as been cheating tax payer for years and possibly frauding the system. Our Town assessor, Art Griffith, who helped Young hide a five acre parcel from the tax rolls your years was ticketed for harassment after attacking a 12 year old child for skate boarding in the parking lot. Our zoning Board Chairperson and local land developer Barbara Hermance uses her position on the Board to commit acts revenge on those that oppose her, costing resident and tax payers thousands in attorneys fees. We have zoning Board Member and NYS State Cop Robert Rochler who may have been conducting illegally background checks on residents that come before the zoning Board, and let us not forget the secret communications that Rochler and Hermance were holding with the Towns attorney about applicants before the board. And now we have Karen Gaylord, Planning Board Chairperson, who husbands construction company prospers on subdivisions, witnessing an attack made by one of her board members on a resident and refusing to comment. To top it all off we now have the Democrat's shatter our hopes and dreams for open government when their leader Cindy Hilshire prevents people from speaking at a public hearing on land development that directly effects surrounding residents and business owners. So welcome to Taghkanic new comers and investors, welcome back part-timers, and if you want your land subdivide see some of Planning Board members, offer them some hunting rights on your property. And don't forget when digging that foundation or that perk pit Karen Gaylord's the one to see. And if your buying large parcels to develop the Zoning Board Chairmen Barbara Hermance is the one that can get variance and sail you through the planning Board, but you better have deep pockets these folk don't come cheap. Welcome to Taghkanic, terror town USA Go to google new groups and search Taghkanic Press for more on Taghkanic corruption.
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