Friday, April 21, 2006

Gun Ownership threaten by Taghkanic Zoning Board. The Taghkanic Zoning Board as decided that K&G Guns and Guide Service, that has been operating in town for 12 years, is a retail store and not a a customary home occupation. The anti-gun boards loudest voice came from none other then little Jimmy Romain the secretary of the West Taghkanic rod and gun club and Richard Skoda who rents his farm to hunters. What a cowards! With their backbones, Rochler and Hermance keeping a watchful eye on them from the back of the meeting the voted to stop gun sales from any residents in the town of Taghkanic claiming it would be a retail sale. Well I think we all can get the picture here. Mr. Skoda and Jimmy Romain will now be Ticket free from the State Police. One call to Robert Rochler, he in turn calls the trooper that gave the ticket and presto the ticket is gone. Pretty cheap sellout for the the gun owners in Taghkanic, don't you think. Or is there more to it? Remember the planning Board approval made for Barbara Hermance last month? It so happens that little Jimmy Romain's daddy," Crazy Joe" Romain, sits on that board. Humm. Could it be there's a vote for some hunting rights on the Ship-to-Shore property ? It was also amazing to watch little Jimmy falling over himself at the end of the meeting, trying desperately to get into the record the word threaten, claiming that Mr. Graham was threatening the Board. Now come-on Jimmy boy, fess up, and tell who told you to use the word threaten, it wasn't that planning Board member that cuts people off the roads then chases them down with a baseball bat was it? Or was it Hermance who told to use the word "Threaten." ? You sure sounded like her. You never can tell with the caliber of people that Young as picked for these boards over the years. There should have been no doubt in anyone's mine that a negative decision would be rendered by this board. As I always said its not the issues these Boards look at, it the person coming before them and what can they get out of it from helping or hurting that person. In this case one of the great proclaimed leaders of the West Taghkanic Gun Club as now closed down the sales of firearms from any residents in Taghkanic, and was stupid enough to let Hermance and Rochler use him for just that purpose. Romain and Skoda has now punished every gun owner in town all for the sake of trying to get one up on Rick Graham. I would have loved to have see their faces when they walked out of the meeting and read about Youngs assessments. Is it any wonder that gun owners, hunters, and shooters are in such a dilemma as to who to vote for in elections. Here's a perfect example of Jimmy Romain claiming to be this great sportsmen in the local gun club and has now let the ATF declare that it would be illegal for you to sell your gun from your residents in Taghkanic, nice going stupid. Did you do this in hopes of getting a ticket fixed, or doing a favor for some hunting rights? Come on guy I think you be worth more then that. Did you stop to think that you just put all your friends in the gun club up for targets practice for the ATF. Or was it just that eggshell ego? Oh by the way folks, K&G guns and guide service will no longer be giving free service to residents gun owners for appraising guns, sighting and cleaning and helping the sportsmen find the best deals on firearms. K&G is still in business and up and running. Taghkanic gun owners should thank little Jimmy Romain and Richard Skoda of the Zoining Board for that loss of service and don't forget to thank NYS Police investigator, Robert Rochler and Land Developer Barbara Hermance too. If you folks want to keep your rights to hunt and shoot and sell your own gun you better start cleaning your house and sticking together, start by weeding out the Romain's and Skoda's from your lot and pay close attention to the up coming survey. Remember this why we so desperately need to get to these Democratic and Republican caucuses at pre election time because there is where you, the gun owner, can make a difference by changing the boards. And remember, they who snooz lose. published 4-28-06
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